Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Harbor Breeze Fan Remote Programming

An excerpt from the Second Comedy.

An excerpt from the Second Comedy.

I here an excerpt of a play that represented a long time ago, when he was still in use the monitor to see, but not yet come in, other worlds. The interactive holograms, which are now the most common means used to live our many lives were far from being invented.
This play is called The Second Comedy, operates in several acts and several scenes, which, in this article, mainly for reasons of space, we can only read a small part.
I have chosen for you interlude between two acts, almost a monologue in which the narrator, a narrator, comes on stage and on the stage, drunk, talking to the public.
not want to bore you further with these unnecessary conditions, then read.

The second comedy.

Characters: The Narrator


While shutting down the curtain on the stage and the lights are lowered, the narrator breaks out on stage with uncertain steps, clutching a bottle of liquor and wearing a costume made If a tailor is not completely worn. THE NARRATOR

Stop! Stop. Do not close the curtain. I am sick of hiding and tell deeds and misdeeds of the characters in this play without anyone to see me, I want the scene a bit 'to me now. Just stay hidden behind the scenes with the only company of this bottle. A driver

which is preparing to change the scene, thinking that the curtain has already closed, try to move the narrator. A machine

Come, go away, let me work. Otherwise, this comedy never ends and there we can go home.

The audience roars.

Go! Drunken scoundrel goes' away! Go to work at the factory and let the driver do his job.

The narrator sits on stage. The driver shrugs unhappily and leaves the scene. THE NARRATOR

I'm not moving from here until I have said all I have to say, Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished. Nor is it so rare
that the narrator is present in the scene, and I'm tired of staying in the shadows while you are here to play your part in this Second Comedy.
Yeah, second comedy that sometimes seems a tragedy, but almost always ends in farce (laughs).
What you are seeing strange comedy!
And some of you, my dear audience, he even paid money to see it.
But think about it ... Of all the actresses and all the actors that you admired and applauded, you're sure to know what sex is? Or maybe
doubt that the actress who have longed to be a man? And the young actor that has touched you so much, my good sir, it's actually a woman?
Oh! We are in the theater, mind you. These changes are usually always possible. For example, the heiress in The Merchant of Venice Portia and her servant Nerissa have no trouble to dress up as men, a lawyer and his clerk, and are able to deceive their husbands. I have always wondered what they view these husbands, or ability to trick us because it was in the Merchant of Venice this deception could succeed so easily. Husbands who do not recognize their wives ... Well?!
But, dear audience, when you see the merchant do not be fooled by false beards or male costumes. You know that the lawyer and his clerk are, the reality of theatrical fiction are looking at, Portia and Nerissa. To you, attentive audience, there is no hidden deception. In the Second
Comedy, here we are playing for you, this is not possible. You may not know who is who.
appearance has reached a level of perfection that even without the costumes, even naked, the gender of an actor or actress, there will always be the question ... (takes a swig from the bottle).
You can never be sure, in this play, the actor that you see on stage is not present as an actress in the next.
or even argue that the two actors at the same time are nothing but puppets moved by the hands of one person.
Yes, here the image, your appearance, you can manipulate it as you want ... you can be whatever you like, and ask no more ... (laughs).
Here, on this stage, we are like God, we can create what we want. We are the creators of heaven and earth ... Indeed, the land no, that's Linden Lab (laughs). Demigods, however we can be and we can transform ourselves into what we want.
And you, respectable audience, you're sure to be only the viewer of this show?
Are you sure you are not even part of this play?
Maybe the audience is me and you are the ones who play a part. Or are we all playing
Second in this bizarre comedy, and being on stage or in the stalls are just different roles of the same show.
But now that the stop blathering and let the play continue. (Gets up from the ground and raises his arms to heaven) As a demigod, then, I say ... Fiat lux ... Indeed, English is better.
(with expression of ecstasy, screaming)
Let there be light ... The show must go on.

(the stage lights come on again).

You can find this story, along with other interesting articles, the latest issue of EsseElle-Movie Magazine .


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