So.Edil Alcamo Handball - HC 33-33 Semat Funds (pt 13-13)
So.Edil Handball Alcamo: Scavone, Pellegrino, The Porcaro, Lanz (1), Beetle (8) , Malena (2), Alagna (2), Maltese, Pipitone, Geretto (4), Tumbarello (8), Mata Sanchez (8), La Vela, Monticciolo. Herds Pauline
HC Semat Funds: D'Angelis, Barlone, V. Di Manno, S. Di Manno (7), Di Manno G (3), D'Ettorre, Zizzo, Panariello (1), A. Sangiuolo (3), Molineri (9), Bogovcic (8), G. Sangiuolo (2). Herds De Santis
Referees: Chiarello and pay Enna
Back Likewise, with a good HC Semat funds away from Alcamo, even if the athletes wanted rossoblu strongly continue its series of victories to dedicate the success to Mr. Ivan Steers, reached on Friday by news of the death of his father. The coach is obviously not Italian-French party with the team, leaving the management of the competition with his colleague De Santis, who had carefully prepared for the important meeting. The match was hard fought and pleasant, with the hosts playing the remaining aware of opportunities for promotion and guests decided instead to close the games well in advance: it is fundamentally right resulted in a tie, with a first time player balance on a knife and a shot-profile reversals in scoring flurry that offered excitement to warm Sicilian public. In the first hearing of the two teams could often win out over their attacks, the usual 5 / 1 practiced by Fondane, without the contribution dell'acciaccato Vincent Manno, habitants of Alcamo responded with a 6 / 0 very careful and aggressive . Dusko Bogovcic was to drag the rossoblu early in the match, Slovenian, author of the best seasonal performance, signed three of the top four networks reviews and six of his eight total outputs in the first portion of the game. On the other side were the National and English Tumbarello Mata Sanchez to orchestrate the game of the premises. A missed penalty and some mistakes on pitches from six meters to rossoblu not allowed to stretch and so the hosts for the first time put his nose ahead to 13 'at 5-4. The race continued on the edge of balance with the Sicilians who went on to 21 +2 '(10-8) and guests at the end of time is reported in a tie 13-13 on closing the first 30'. The second half opened with a Semat unleashed: good defense and deadly second phase, with the captain and Molineri Di Manno on the shields, allowing guests to stretch up to +5 in 6 '(14-19) and then a further 12' ( 17-22). Since then the pair rose to the forefront of arbitration, with decisions not always comprehensible, forced to play the rossoblu outnumbered almost without interruption until the end of the match: in the last quarter of the race there were seven at the expense of temporary exclusions Fondane. It should not be underestimated, however, the optimal reaction of sicilani that, driven by the home crowd, they returned to playing a good handball and gradually reunited in scoring taking advantage of some mistakes too rossoblu and capitalizing on the good day wing beetles. A 10 'from the new term on the local balance of 26-26 and two minutes later, even overtaking on 28-27. Two networks of the Manno brothers held the fate of the match in a draw but the new acceleration of the habitants of Alcamo produced a break that seemed to end the meeting: 32-29 at 3'14 "from the siren. A providential time-out called by De Santis served to reorganize the game and the ideas of forcing Fondane producing a final worthy of their invincibility, a penalty of +2 Mata Sanchez reported on the Sicilians, but the network was producing Andrea Sangiuolo -1 for guests. The last minute was full of emotions: first the penalty save by D'Angelis Mata Sanchez, then the desperation move of the bench which deploys Fondane D'Ettorre motion as a goalkeeper and managed to find a perfect scale that allowed Giuliano Sangiuolo sign of the net balance on the final 33-33. Finally, a just and equal welcome to Fondane company, gained after a difficult race and the presence of a very strong opponent. I remain five points clear when there are so many days at the end of the season on the horizon and there is already the derby next Saturday in Gaeta.
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